A Special Message From Me!

Hi Everyone,

I apologize if I sound like a corny and robotic after school special, but as the year winds down, make sure you reach out to your loved ones and just live in the moment.

Without sounding too sappy, your messages made me feel so happy. Just because I’m your instructor, doesn’t mean I’m not invincible to life. The reason why I enjoy teaching so much is because you all teach me as much, if not more, than I teach you.

This past month has been really difficult for me. I suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (no surprises there) and one of the manifestions of this is extreme nerves and worry. I was worried (still am TBH) about letting you all down, and not being the best instructor that you all deserve. I felt so helpless and frustrated and just feeling like a total loser.

Without getting too personal, it has been a really difficult two years for me. Last year, I had a traumatic incident at the two year college that I used to teach at. It left me so scattered that I took a semester hiatus from teaching. This semester was supposed to be my big return, putting all those bad feelings and nerves aside.

You all did. Silly moments and memories just pop into my mind, and I am so grateful I met all of you (even the lazy ones) and you’re all so unique and just ooze originality. I could go off on a tangent but I want to say thank you to all of you. Thanks for your kind words about Niko, your outreach, and just always making me smile when coming to class, even on days that I’d barely be functioning due to insomnia, stress, anxiety, etc.

You’re probably thinking, “Why are you getting so personal and telling us this, teach?”

It’s because of things I’ve heard in the past week regarding you all. In one of my classes, a student’s brother passed away a few days ago. Another student had personal issues come up. Another student’s father is currently in the hospital. One student’s aunt passed away.

My own boyfriend (Niko was originally his and considers him his brother) was having a mental breakdown this past month. I had to serve as his therapist, while dealing with my own stuff. He had some fallout at the office, but all is stat quo now.

Long story short/ TL;DR We’re people, we go through effed up things, and good people make life easier.

Also, if you’re going through shit in your life – it will get better. If things are good, then that’s awesome and I couldn’t be happier for you.

BTW – I WILL STILL BE DOING POSTS AND YOU ARE ALL STILL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WORK! Pretty much – just complete everything by the 28th deadline and you’re solid. I’ll be doing a follow up post shortly.

QOTD: What are three random facts about you?

1. I LOVE hockey. Specifically, the Tampa Bay Lightning

2. I can’t handle spicy food (revoke my Spanish card).

3. I actually despised public speaking growing up, and never wanted to go into teaching.


Niko 12/02/2007 – 12/11/2018 ❤️

Hi Everyone,

I thank you all for putting up with my emotional, heartbroken self.

QOTD; After seeing the movie, what do you think what commentary the film is making? How does “the crudeness” serve as an effective means of convincing?

I’m sorry

I’ve been up the whole night – my boyfriend Chris and I had to put our dog Niko down last night at the vet hospital. If I cry/look like a hot mess, I apologize in advance.

QOTD: What would you say is a pet peeve of yours?

Holiday Musings

Hi Everyone,

I was on the Humans of Judaism Facebook page (Yes, I’m a member), and this meme came up and reminded me so much of Gabriella’s comments.

I’ll go over updates/revisions/schedule in class, but for today’s class, I want to touch upon real time racism/affects, in particular our Jewish comrades. My dear friend and colleague (who said my Hebrew pronounciation is top notch) who teaches next door from our classroom told me that Antisemitic crimes are up in Queens this year. Just last week in Forest Hills, a young man wearing traditional Orthodox attire was beaten up and left in a coma. I actually found out that there is a horrible slur for anyone Jewish: “k—.” (Found out on the news someone was trying to get a customized Neo-Nazi saying license plate.)

QOTD: Without sounding cliché, can words be hurtful?

The Mystery Blogger

Hi Everyone,

So I have noticed there is a mystery blogger commenting on recent pages. There are certain clues this person have shown:

  1. Male – all male aliases
  2. Covers his tracks – only posts while connected to the campus Wi-Fi
  3. Is witty and is not afraid to put himself in the spotlight
  4. Mentioned kosher drinks

(Initial) Suspects:

Fawad Admad – Calls himself “Fawad the God” and is not afraid of being direct
Chase Reinhardt – Also not afraid of being outspoken and has expressed desire to learn about his Jewish roots
Damian Brzoska – Also direct, and frequent blog checker

In all honesty, this is giving me such a laugh. It’s been such a hectic semester for me that seeing this mystery man post is making my week. I promise I’m not upset or offended. (Although I’m surprised the person knew what Rick Rolled is since that is such an old school reference.)

!!!!! I found out it was *_______’s friend. You got me good. I hope you enjoyed some good food for _________* today.

Welcome mystery blogger!

(Names/terms blanked to protect the innocent)

QOTD: What is a misconception people have about you? People think I’m snooty, but I’m not!


Greetings Comrades! (Updated to include Chase)

(For some reason, when I updated the image last night, it also took down the post? Sorry about that!)

Hi Everyone,

Happy Saturday night! I’m currently at Dave & Buster’s in Long Island – my email’s been giving me issues, so if I haven’t replied to an email, I promise I’m not being rude! (It’s also why I haven’t been able to send Javendean and Damian’s papers out!)

Excellent job on the responses so far! Also, I will add this to the schedule, but all revisions/blog posts can be submitted up to December 28th. Remember, you can keep revising until you get an A.

On Tuesday, I will pass around a sheet to organize one on one meetups with all of you to touch base and discuss the papers.

Also, don’t worry about the critical lens draft not being “perfect.” Half of our class time on Tuesday will be interactive peer review so all questions will be answered.

❤️ you all!

QOTD: Do you play pool/cards/bowl? (Question inspired by seeing an Orthodox Jewish couple here playing pool)

Murphy’s Law

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”

Hi Everyone,

I feel like that has been my semester. With my migraines, Niko getting sick, and now my car, it’s been a crazy few months.

Don’t worry about bringing anything in tomorrow — make up for it for the end of the semester party — I had a crazy weekend. Niko had a vet visit on Friday and refused to eat so we had to force feed him today since he looked so weak.

Tomorrow you’ll be getting your first papers back and the instructions for the second paper.

QOTD: What are your plans for Thanksgiving break?