
Hi Everyone,

First off, I am so thankful for all of you being your amazing selves during the observation. I was a bit nervous, but you all did a great job.

As for perspective, I was thinking about how Marx’s reason that history repeats itself. Hearing about the shul massacre in Pittsburgh confirms that — and also that our society still has A LOT of problems.

It sickens me that these disgusting acts continue to happen. Our Jewish friends and colleagues, I hope no one you knew was hurt and that you are all happy and safe, enjoying the rest of this weekend.

It may sound silly, but we are a tribe, and the tribe serves as a means of support, but also realzing there is still a lot of effed up things in the world, and we are making a difference, just by all of us being united on one stance – community.

Today’s been awful: It’s raining, there was a massacre, my parents’ car has transmission issues, and Niko is sick (we believe he has an infection — we’re taking him to the vet tomorrow.

I apologize for the language, but fuck disgusting antisemites and racists eveywhere.

Stay safe, comrades! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

QOTD: What did you eat for dinner today?

18 thoughts on “Perspective

  1. gspirgel110

    After hearing the the horrible news about the massacre in the shul I really did not have much of an appetite but my family wanted pizza so I ran out to get a pie and I eventually got hungry so I had a slice too

    Liked by 1 person


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