
Homework listed under a date is due the next class meetup

T 09/04 – Overview of the Course/ Blog Setup
HW:  Read Cultural and Intercultural Communication (only the first chapter – up to page 11) and be prepared to discuss it – try to set up blog

Th 09/06 –  Relating to Writing
HW: Read “Words” by Sara Yamasaki (essay) – Write a letter responding to her text (due Thursday 9/12)


Th 09/13  Lens and Analysis | Overview of PIE paragraphs
HW: Watch the film Lost in Translation and read “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan (essay) and write a two paragraph response – connect both works together in your response.


Th 09/20  Fiction and Reality – Correlating Both
HW: Read “How to Tame a Wild Tongue” by Gloria Anzaldua (essay)  How does culture influence her life? (use PIE form for your paragraphs)

T 09/25 – Visual Perspective | Humans of New York
HW: Read Junot Diaz’s “Becoming a Writer” (handout) – Do you relate with Diaz’s frustrations about writing? Give an example (minimum two paragraphs)

Th 09/27 – Tying it All Together | Response to the Film
HW: Which reading from class are you interested in? What are some things you can discuss? (two paragraphs)

T 10/02 – Writing Bootcamp | Intro to Essay #1
HW: Bring in first draft of essay for peer review

Th 10/04 – PEER REVIEW
HW: Was peer review helpful? Be specific (minimum one paragraph)

T 10/09 – ESSAY #1 DUE | Transition to Society
Read “The Manifesto of the Communist Party” (excerpt) by Karl Marx (essay) – What elements in his writing can we use to make our writing strong? 2 paragraph response

Th 10/11 –  Society & Essay Writing
HW: Based on our discussion in class today, how does Marx’s teachings relate to you in 2018? (one paragraph)

T 10/16 – Marx and Social (Dis)Course
HW: Read “America Remains the World’s Beacon of Success” by Tim Roemer — compare and contrast to Marx’s essay

Th 10/18 – America the Beautiful
HW: Look back at your Humans of New York, post from earlier in the semester and compare relate to one of the themes we have spoken about in class so far

T 10/23 – The Have and Havenots
HW: What does the expression “Nickled and Dimed?’ mean to you? (one paragraph)

Th 10/25 – “On Getting By in America” – In Depth Analysis
HW: Compare and Contrast Ehrenreich’s essay to a previous reading in the Unit (two paragraphs)

T 10/30 – Illusion and Allusion
HW: Watch the film In Time – what commentary does the film make about social structure? (use specific scenes)

Th 11/01 – Nuances
HW: Watch the documentary Wal-Mart: High Cost of Low Prices and compare it to “Nickel and Dimed” (two paragraphs)

Th 11/08 – Oh, America
HW: Which of our previous readings from this unit are you interested in writing in?

Th 11/29 – Introduction to Essay #2
HW: Read “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” by Martin Luther King (essay) and write a two paragraph response

T 12/04- Whose Fault is it? (Draft #1 due)
HW: Read “Why is the NYPD After Me?” by Nicholas K. Peart (essay) Have you ever felt personally attacked? Give an example (min 1. paragraph)

Th 12/06 – The Great Debate
HW: Read “The Heartbeat of Racism is Denial” by Ibram X. Kendi and reply in a letter to the author agreeing or disagreeing

T 12/18 – Never the End
HW: Finish all revisions, blog work, and final drafts  before midnight on December 28th – Your final “assignment/essay” will be a (minimum three paragraph) reflective essay on your college experience this semester – mention one of the last readings.