Money is a —

This is my dog Niko. He was released from the hospital earlier today (due to the part that we couldn’t afford any more days for him to be hospitalized) He’s officially diabetic and will require insulin shots for the rest of his life.

How does Marx and our readings come into play?

*** class will be ending a bit early since I have to give Niko his insulin shot at 12pm.

QOTD: If you had a billion dollars, what would you do with it?

29 thoughts on “Money is a —

  1. arcegaalbert110

    Aayeeee nikkoooo. If I had a billion dollars I spend it mostly on things I need in order to live and be happy. All of the extra things can come later. I always gotta make sure y family is safe and living well. Then maybe buy a car just for my self, a lot of clothes, and of course food. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ariellelieb

    If I had a million dollars I would give a large percentage to charity organizations in my community and others that are very close to my heart. I would give some to my parents and save the rest for my future family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      Btw so random, but where did you get your flower earrings? I’ve noticed them for ages and they’re so pretty!


      1. elianak110

        Theres charities in Israel that help people whose family members were attacked or killed in terrorist attacks, they help them financially and psychologically as well. I would definitely give a large chunk of money to them, its such an amazing organization

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Patricia Wu Post author

        That’s awesome — it makes me sick how many innocent lives have been taken. I’m glad you and the rest of the Jewish colleagues were safe during your gap year!


  3. annyyang09

    Damn if I had a billion dollars, I would probably buy my mother a house and all the trendiest luxury bags like LV, Prada, Burberry so she’ll leave me alone and I’ll move out with some of my close friends, literally Uber everywhere or buy however many cars I want, eats/Uber eats bomb food everyday and live my life lavishly without a care in the world.



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