43 thoughts on “Happy Hanukkah!

      1. damian110en

        My family makes potato ones (Placki ziemniaczane) and apples ones (Placki z jabłkami)! Sugar for the potato ones (some people use sour cream) and jam for the apple ones. It depends what region you are from (my family came from rural Łomża) .
        Sorry I heard Eastern European cuisine and had to comment on it.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Patricia Wu Post author

        Always comment! This is a forum for all of us! Omg you’re making me so hangryyyyyy – that sounds delicious!


    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      LOL! Ah my old crappy flip phone that held a charge like no other. Miss those days! That sounds like a good night! Which hot pot place did you hit up?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Patricia Wu Post author

        All good! I would love to do dim sum but alas, I don’t speak Chinese nor can read the menu. 😦


      2. Patricia Wu Post author

        It looks amazing but the menu’s all in Polish 😦 This reminds me of ages ago – I was in Williamsburg outside a Polish deli and suddenly these Japanese reporters came to talk to me and my friends. I know there’s a lot of pork in Polish cusine so I’m happy!


      3. damian110en

        The menu for the Polish place is all Polish online but they have an English one in house. I’d recommend the grilled plate for two/three (you can take whatever you don’t eat home) if you ever have the time to go.

        If you’ve ever been to a hot pot place it’s all the same. It’s buffet style so you choose whatever you want regardless.

        I’m not sure if you’ve ever been to the North Side of Brooklyn but you should also check out Sea. It’s an amazing Thai place.(Very romantic lighting too)

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Patricia Wu Post author

        It’s that time of the year! I had a turkey and swiss sandwich for lunch today and I thought! I bought it though since I’m lazy 🙈


    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      I used your quote earlier today with an Orthodox friend of mine “my student Gabriella said that every holiday is a lot of food so no need to celebrate Thanksgiving!” That sounds super yunmy! What is lotus spread, btw?


    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      That sounds amazing! I’ve always wondered why Hannukah is so focused around sweets. I know it’s not a high holiday like Sukkot, Rosh Hashanah, but it is still an important holiday? I’m sorry if my question sounds weird!


      1. gspirgel110

        Yes! I’d say that all Jewish holidays are important because they all serve as a commemoration of something important in Jewish history. Chanukah in particular is the holiday to remember that the Jews survived the physical and spiritual persecution from the ancient Greeks and as you posted, and the miracle of the small jug of oil lasting for 8 days rather than the one day that it should have. So as a way to remember the miracle of the oil on Chanukah we make oily foods like latkes and donuts. The sweets are to remember the candy and games that the children played while they were hiding in caves to escape the Greeks. Hope that explains it!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Patricia Wu Post author

        Oh, I hope you’ve been to an Argentinian restaurant and had entraña — and Chipotle and Dunkin = good date!


      1. Patricia Wu Post author

        But don’t latkes and donuts have dairy in them? Also, this mystery blogger has always commented from school so his IP can’t be traced…hmm…


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