The Mystery Blogger

Hi Everyone,

So I have noticed there is a mystery blogger commenting on recent pages. There are certain clues this person have shown:

  1. Male – all male aliases
  2. Covers his tracks – only posts while connected to the campus Wi-Fi
  3. Is witty and is not afraid to put himself in the spotlight
  4. Mentioned kosher drinks

(Initial) Suspects:

Fawad Admad – Calls himself “Fawad the God” and is not afraid of being direct
Chase Reinhardt – Also not afraid of being outspoken and has expressed desire to learn about his Jewish roots
Damian Brzoska – Also direct, and frequent blog checker

In all honesty, this is giving me such a laugh. It’s been such a hectic semester for me that seeing this mystery man post is making my week. I promise I’m not upset or offended. (Although I’m surprised the person knew what Rick Rolled is since that is such an old school reference.)

!!!!! I found out it was *_______’s friend. You got me good. I hope you enjoyed some good food for _________* today.

Welcome mystery blogger!

(Names/terms blanked to protect the innocent)

QOTD: What is a misconception people have about you? People think I’m snooty, but I’m not!


37 thoughts on “The Mystery Blogger

    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      You’re awesome! Seriously, you must be so popular/have a bunch of friends. You remind me a lot of my friend Mich – so kind and friendly and always a smile on your face!


  1. damian110en

    Because I use reddit means I’m a troll.

    That’s only one of the many misconceptions that I’ve come across during this class.

    (I submitted a comment a couple nights ago and it’s still awaiting approval. It’s on the QOTD that ask about card games.)

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Alex Trebek

        Green GO WILDCATS!!!!!! Since we are asking questions I have some for you, I like to ask new people questions to see if we have anything in common. 1- What’s your favorite movie? 2- What’s your favorite TV show? 3- What kind of music do you like? 4- What’s your favorite food? (BTW my name is spelled Benjy, but don’t worry about it people always spell my name wrong.)

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      YOU? But you’re so sweet! (Even if you do hide airpods inside your hijab) I can’t imagine anyone thinking ill of you!


  2. mishalbhatti

    So I do this thing where when I meet someone new, for some odd reason, my face gives off the vibe as “no don’t talk to be, I don’t want to be your friend.” But in reality I get reallllly quiet but trust I do want to talk to you….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Alex Trebek

    Green GO WILDCATS!!!!!! Since we are asking questions I have some for you, I like to ask new people questions to see if we have anything in common. 1- What’s your favorite movie? 2- What’s your favorite TV show? 3- What kind of music do you like? 4- What’s your favorite food? (BTW my name is spelled Benjy, but don’t worry about it people always spell my name wrong.)


    1. Patricia Wu Post author

      But…you’re Batsheva! You’re a kins sweetheart with red hair and a skirt on! I have a feeling you all are super different outside of class…



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