
Niko 12/02/2007 – 12/11/2018 ❤️

Hi Everyone,

I thank you all for putting up with my emotional, heartbroken self.

QOTD; After seeing the movie, what do you think what commentary the film is making? How does “the crudeness” serve as an effective means of convincing?

15 thoughts on “Idiocracy

  1. fawadthegod

    The film is saying that people are just getting dumber and dumber. Not only that, but smart people are not having kids. The crudeness is just a blunt, straight to the point, in your face way of telling people what they need to hear. You can’t ignore it.

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  2. Ravindra Narine

    The movie is basically telling us that the generations are becoming dumber, in a very blatant way. It’s effective because it gets right to the point and even though it is crude, you understand that point that they are trying to get across straight away.

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  3. elianak110

    One of the themes in the film “Idiocracy” is the devolving of human society. It was portraying how if you don’t use what you have, you will lose it. As a society we should take full advantage of our resources and reach all the potential we can, otherwise we will fall. The crudeness is something that can captures peoples attention, and make the film more light on such a heavy topic, but still get the films point across.

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  4. racheli110

    The movie was an extreme view of what could evidently never happen to human society. It portrays us as getting increasingly dumber and dumber over time. That being said, the whole point of all the over exaggeration was too help show us and strengthen the point of not losing sight of what we truly have and to learn from our mistakes over time.

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  5. ariellelieb

    The film depicted a futuristic word where evolutionarily speaking people will become less intelligent through the generations. While it does seem like an extreme society and highly unrealistic the crudeness of the movie immediately captivates the attention of the viewer. It made me wonder what I can possibly do in my lifetime that would change the course of humanity. (Perhaps have a lot of intelligent children to populate the word 😉 )


  6. batshevaenglish110

    the whole point of the extreme crudeness was to show us an extreme version of what the writer thinks the world is heading towards. I honestly don’t think this is where the world is heading. I think people are becoming more self-aware and tacking issue that have never been touched before. The crudeness in the movie was to get the watchers attention, to make everyone just a little bit dumber would not have made the movie a comedy, with an artistic license the writer created an extreme version of where he thinks the world is headed.


  7. josepheng110

    The film is trying to portray how people should aspire to be great and accomplish new things but everyone is so stuck up on the society that they live in. Nobody has a thought of change so they all just choose to live in a dump together. The moral of the film is even though you may be discriminated for being an outcast and having a mind of your own, it leads to better things than being a follower. You should not just try to adapt to the “norms” of society but instead create your own norms.


  8. mishalbhatti

    I think the direct mocks human nature by over exaggerating the future of the world. The movie portrays dark humor that emphasizes the true match of knowledge and how if we don’t encourage the things that matter, the reality of the world will remain in the hands of those who don’t understand it. We’ll eventually become so invested in useless things so intensely that we’ll become the uselessness.


  9. rslchase

    The movie seems to show us how each on going generation is starting to become less and less intellectual. There are reasons that seem to be shown like the increase in use of technology and media that acts as a lesson teaching that this can eventually happen to society.

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  10. adilabhatti2

    The movie is trying to portray the value of knowledge and learning. As the generations go by in the movie, there seems to be deterioration of morals, manners and knowledge. The movie shows that without continuing to utilize our educational resources, we evolve into a society where there is no comprehensive justice, no social responsibility, and no one cares enough to change this. If we continue to invest in commercialism more than our education, we can be headed towards an unhealthy society mentally, and physically. Furthermore, the movie encourages its audience to continue to eduacte itself and work towards intellectual progress in order to create successful future generations.

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  11. gspirgel110

    The point of the film was to show how as time goes on people are becoming dumber and inherently more selfish. In the beginning of the film it plays on the fact that the higher level of education people have the fewer children they have and therefore the less intelligent people are taking over the population and the world eventually becomes so stupid that the people don’t even speak in proper sentences, just a series of grunts and other noises.



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